Here is a brand that has tons of mojo!
Everyone loves Izze; it makes you feel good just to say the name. The name communicates fun, light heartedness, purity and energy - all in one simple, little word.
Everything about it has been designed to make you feel like you are not only drinking a soda that is better for you and the environment but that you are joining a special group of people who 'get it'. This secret group are a little like Starbucks drinkers used to be before it became so ubiquitous - they are the ones who have discovered Izze and know that you can have your cake and eat it too. After all, we all love soda, we just don't love all the bad things that soda stands for.
What are the elements of Izze that have mojo?
Well, its name but I have already talked about that.
The bottle is also great because it is so simple and appealing.
The company ethos is all about the environment and they support positive environmental efforts like wind power.
It connects with multiple audiences by having fun elements on the website like 'design your own t-shirt'.
Finally, unlike many corporations it really does support its people and enable them to balance work with play - a rare commodity these days!
Of course one of the things that I like best is that I get to go to cool retail environments like Whole Foods and Target to buy it - what could be better?
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