I have to admit that I already have a lot of Christmas Mojo, which is why I am writing this blog entry at the beginning of the month - a time when I am usually grouching around complaining about how commercial Christmas has become.
For some reason, I have a childlike enthusiasm for it this year, which has nothing to do with giving and receiving a lot of expensive gifts. It seems to have far more to do with the general sense of happiness and joy that it brings with it, a time for all of us to stop feeling negative and start to enjoy life a little more.
I have been doing a lot of reading recently about the power of positive thinking - apparently my father was a big fan of Norman Vincent Peale, although I never knew it - and am finding that being able to approach Christmas with a positive outlook and reflect on the many wonderful ways that it brings riches into our lives makes it very precious.
We give more at Christmas, we are kinder to people we meet in the streets, we make an effort to embrace our families even if relationships are sometimes strained, we put aside our work for a while and focus on smiling and having fun and finally, and perhaps most importantly we remind ourselves to be grateful for the people and things that we have in our lives.
I am going to enjoy every day of December - I can't wait!
Join me..................