Monday, May 16, 2011

This Spot Has Mojo!

Anything that affords us a really good laugh has to have good mojo at some level because it lifts our spirits and makes us feel happier and more optimistic - even if just temporarily.

Brands that use humor in their advertising tend to do so with mixed results, often to do with whether the mojo that the humor imparts can be directly tied back to the brand after the commercial is over, or whether it is funny in its own right but no one can remember what the commercial was for.

I loved this commercial for AT&T, not only because it made me laugh out loud and was very memorable but also because the idea is so integrally linked to the product and brand that is being advertised, the viewer is not going to be left wondering whether it was for a cell phone or a new brand of energy drink.

Also, in these dead serious days, it is nice to have a brand that is willing to indirectly take a poke at itself - great stuff with lots of mojo!

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